Friday, November 1, 2013


Have I said how much I LOVE when I meet new people? Which means that yesterday was pretty much the BEST DAY EVER. My Dad said it's called Halloween. To me, Halloween means that kids are walking around the neighborhood having a good time! As you can see, I was pretty happy to watch the happenings:

My sister, Cymry, doesn't like Halloween. She kept yelling loudly at the kid approaching. I tried to tell her they were fine, but she was still nervous. Mom says it's fairly normal for dogs to be scared on Halloween. See, even though they were kids, they looked STRANGE! Some were wearing masks, some paint, some flowing capes. It was wild!

Mom and Dad were talking about how to make it less scary for Cymry (what a BABY!). Dad said he'd feed Cymry yummy treats when she looked calmly and quietly at the "kids." Eventually, she should start to show some happier signals when seeing them. Happy like when I see a kid! My tail starts to wag in a really loose way, my body is wiggly & goofy, and my ears are flopping & relaxed. Usually, I can't help but jump up a little, but that's a whole other story :).

Oh, Mom's calling me for dinner! Gotta go!


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